Generating a Session and Issuing a PDA

There are two simple steps to issuing a PDA using the Widget. The first step is to Generate a Session, which will receive the specific parameters required for the user to issue their PDA. This request will return a URL and a sessionId, and this is the second step, where through the sessionId, the user can be safely redirected to the widget screen and finish issuing their PDA.

Request Parameters

type IssuanceSessionBody = {
  organizationId: string;
  dataSourceId: string;
  claim: any;
  callbackUrl: string;
  referenceId?: string;
  title?: string;
  description?: string;
  • organizationId: The ID of the organization issuing the PDA.
  • dataSourceId: The ID of the data source/schema to use for the PDA.
  • callbackUrl: The URL to redirect to after the PDA issuance is complete.
  • claim: The data to be included in the issued PDA.
  • title (optional): The title for the PDA being issued.
  • description (optional): The description for the PDA being issued.
  • referenceId (optional): An optional reference ID for internal tracking.

Request Code

The example below uses JavaScript, but your team can use their preferred language to call the Widget API.

const sessionProps = JSON.stringify({
  organizationId: "YOUR-ORGANIZATION-ID",
  dataSourceId: "YOUR-DATA-SOURCE-ID",
  callbackUrl: "YOUR-SUCCESS-URL",
  claim: {
    title: "Title example",
    /*Example - End*/
  title: "PDA-TITLE", // optional
  description: "PDA-DESCRIPTION", // optional
  referenceId: "REFERENCE-ID", // optional

async function generateSession() {
  const response = await fetch(
      method: "POST",
      body: sessionProps,

  const {
    data: { session },
  } = await response.json();
  window.location.href = session.url;

const generateButton = document.getElementById("generateSession");
generateButton.addEventListener("click", generateSession);

Add the ID generateSession to your “Claim” button.

Note: You can use a custom button or Gateway buttons, as below.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<button id="generateSession" class="gtw-btn">Claim your PDA</button>
<button id="generateSession" class="gtw-btn gtw-btn-black">
  Claim your PDA
<button id="generateSession" class="gtw-btn gtw-btn-white">
  Claim your PDA

CodePen Example

Request Response

type IssuanceSessionResponse = {
  session: {
    url: string;
    sessionId: string;
  • url: The generated URL of the widget.
  • sessionId: The ID of the generated session.

Checking a Session

To find out if the PDA was issued, send a request passing the sessionId created in the previous step.

Request Parameters

type IssuanceSessionDetailsBody = {
  sessionId: string;
  organizationId: string;
  • organizationId: The ID of the organization issuing the PDA.
  • sessionId: The ID of the generated session.

Request Code

const session = JSON.stringify({
  organizationId: "YOUR-ORGANIZATION-ID",
  sessionId: "YOUR-SESSION-ID",

async function getSession() {
  const response = await fetch(
      method: "POST",
      body: session,

Request Response

type IssuanceSessionDetailsResponse = {
  session: {
    claim: any;
    dataSourceId: string;
    sessionId: string;
    pdaId: string;
    status: "Issued" | "Pending";
  • sessionId: The ID of the generated session.
  • dataSourceId: The ID of the data source/schema used for the PDA.
  • claim: The data included in the issued PDA.
  • pdaId: The ID of the issued PDA (if it has already been generated).
  • status: The status of the session (‘Issued’ or ‘Pending’).

Implementation Notes

  • A session can be used only once.
  • Each call to the generate-session API creates a different session, even if the PDA data is the same.